
Happy New Year with Leads Leap

First a link from my sponsors. https://t-adbar.com/_wozu

This New Year was a lot different than other New Year celebrations. Because of Covid 19 we just watched performers performing to cameras. Not a live audience. Well at least we did have a midnight champagne toast.

A New Year means a New Opportunity. My choice for the New Year is still a program from the old year. Leads Leap. This Blog that you are reading is making me money because of Leads Leap. I have this blog monetized with widgets, ads, pop up offer and tracking links. These are examples of the tools that you can find on Leads Leap. You can start for free and stay free. You can choose to upgrade to Pro as I have done and get more bang for your buck.

For me the best part of Leads Leap is their tracking links. I have at least 30 different tracking links set up. When I send out an advertisement I include the tracking link containing my offer. The stats I get back are extremely useful and tells me what is working and what is not.

Try Leads Leap today and Leap into the New Year with quality advertising. Click on my Leads Leap Tracking Link to take a look.


To our success

Paul Howard